At Inside Out Therapy, we pride ourselves on knowing our clients inside out.

How do we achieve this?

  • Therapists are friendly and approachable, resulting in working relationships centred on trust

  • Excellent communication (in person, by telephone or by email) as therapist-family liaison is at the core of progress

  • Collaborative goal setting to ensure a holistic approach

  • Limited caseloads so that therapists are able to spend the needed time supporting each child

Many think that Speech and Language Therapists help people to speak. Whilst this is absolutely a part of what we do, what goes on inside is just as important as what comes out!

The ‘communication pyramid’ below demonstrates the multifaceted nature of communication. Skills at the bottom typically emerge before those above them, although skills at multiple levels can develop simultaneously.

comm pyramid.png

So what goes on inside (focusing, listening, remembering, understanding) must develop before anything meaningful can come out (speaking)!